Friday, October 28, 2011

Street Closings - Atlanta Marathon - Sunday Oct. 30

We have received this information about street closings in our vicinity.

On the morning of Sunday, Oct. 30 the Atlanta Marathon and Marathon Relay course will pass through the Emory area affecting traffic from approximately 8:30 a.m.-1 p.m.

The streets and intersections that will be affected include:
Briarcliff Road (from Johnson Road to Shepherds Lane)
    8:20 a.m. to 12 p.m.     Left northbound lane
Shepherds Lane (from Briarcliff Road to LaVista Road)
    8:25 a.m. to 12:10 p.m.    Entire street 
LaVista Road (from Shepherds Lane to Cheshire Bridge Road)
    8:30 a.m. to 12:25 p.m.     Westbound lane
Lindbergh Drive (from Cheshire Bridge Road to Peachtree Hills Avenue)
    8:35 a.m. to 12:40 p.m.    Westbound lane

Shepherds Lane at Briar Vista Terrace
    8:25 a.m. to 12:10 p.m.     Complete closure

La Vista Road at Brookforest Drive
    8:30 a.m. to 12:25 p.m.    Complete closure for water station

LaVista Road at Citadel Drive 
    8:30 a.m. to 12:25 p.m.     Complete closure

Lindbergh Drive at Lindridge Drive
    8:35 a.m. to 12:45 p.m.    Partial closure

Electronics Recycling - Decatur - Sat. Oct. 29

We have received this information about tomorrow, the next round of this very useful semi-annual event:

FALL 2011 Event Scheduled for October 29, 2011!

WHEN: Saturday, October 29th, 9 am -1 pm
WHERE: Decatur High School Parking Lot
(Corner of N. McDonough Street and Howard Avenue)

Don't throw away that old cell phone, camera or PC component! Save it and recycle it on Saturday, October 29th, 2011 at Decatur's Electronics Recycling event. This semi-annual event has been hugely successful at diverting electronic equipment from landfills, where they may contaminate soil and water.

The event takes place Saturday, October 29th from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Decatur High School Parking lot, on the corner of N. McDonough St. and W. Howard Avenue. Electronics dropped off that day will be sorted and disassembled into raw materials or cleaned for re use.

TV's will be recycled for a minimal fee of $10 cash only per TV set with exact change. There is no charge to recycle other items. Any metro area resident can participate. Early drop offs are not possible.

For additional information call:
Sean Woodson
Solid Waste Superintendent

Acceptable Items

Electronics Recycling Day_monitors on palletAlmost anything with an electrical cord can be recycled at the event EXCEPT microwave ovens, furniture, light fixtures, household appliances, lamps, vacuum cleaners.

We will recycle for free: Desktop computers , Telephones, Mini-towers, Telephony equipment, Laptop computers, Adding machines,Monitors, Calculators, Servers, Typewriters, Workstations, Label makers,Keyboards, Copiers, Mice, Fax machines, Joystick game controllers, Answering machines, Printers, Printer cartridges, Digital cameras , Zip drives, Batteries, Speakers, PDAs, Pagers, VCRs, Hubs, DVD players, Routers, Cable converter boxes, Scanners, Remote controls, Digital projectors, Stereo equipment ,UPS units, Radios, Main frames, Portable CD players, Component parts, Portable game players, Cables, GPS receivers, 3-in-1 devices, printer/copier/fax machines., Electric lawn mowers and garden equipment, any kind of Battery.

We will recycle television sets for $10 - exact change.

Frequently Asked Questions About Decatur's Electronics Recycling Day

Q: How often is electronics recycling available?
A: Twice a year, in spring and fall on a designated Saturday morning. Please check back for the updated Vehicle Traffic Plan before the event in order to ensure a short wait and a quick drop-off.

Q: Is this limited to people who live in Decatur?
A: No, anyone may participate, including businesses and institutions from the entire metro area.

Q: Can I drop things off a day early?
A: No. Saturday morning, as advertised, is the only time we can accept your electronics.

Q: What else can be recycled at this event?
A: Currently, we recycle electronics and batteries of all kinds. Check this web site shortly before each event to see what we are accepting.

Q: Why should I recycle electronics?
A: Computers, printers and other electronics contain potentially dangerous chemicals such as mercury and lead which can be toxic to living things and human health if allowed to leach into our ground water from a landfill. Precious metals can be extracted from some items, thus reducing the environmental destruction of mining.

Q: What kind of recyclables can I bring?
A: Desktop or Laptop computers , Telephones, Mini-towers, Telephony equipment, Adding machines, Monitors, Calculators, Servers, Typewriters, Workstations, Label makers, Keyboards, Copiers, Mice, Fax machines, Joystick game controllers, Answering machines, Printers, Printer cartridges, Digital cameras, Zip drives, Batteries, Speakers, PDAs, Pagers, VCRs, Hubs, DVD players, Routers, Cable converter boxes, Scanners, Remote controls, Digital projectors, Stereo equipment UPS units, Radios, Main frames, Portable CD players, Component parts, Portable game players, Cables, GPS receivers, 3-in-1 devices, printer/copier/fax machines. Other Items: Any kind of battery.

Q: Does this stuff need to be packaged?
A: No. It is easiest for us if the items are not boxed or bagged. If you want to go the extra mile, clip power cords and bring the cords and equipment.

Q: Is there anything I can't bring?
A: We cannot recycle microwave ovens, furniture, light fixtures, household appliances, lamps, or vacuum cleaners. Please do not bring old paper owner's manuals.

Q: Is this stuff really recycled?
A: Yes, we vet the companies that assist us to be sure everything is recycled. responsibly, without being dumped around the globe. Our main vendor states "Bionew USA Corporation will dismantle all of the materials received in the United States down to the bare component, be it plastic, metal, circuit boards, CRT tubes, and any other e-waste/scrap, then the materials are sent downstream for recycling. Bionew has a zero waste corporate policy ensuring that none of the material brought into our facilities for recycling will end up in a landfill either domestically or internationally." Some items such as cell phones may be refurbished and re-used.

Q: Can someone read the data on my hard drive?
A: It is your responsibility to clean your hard drive with one of the programs available commercially or for free on the Internet. Owners should be aware that there are risks of private or other information being pulled from laptop drives, and that therefore the donor assumes such risks and waives all liability for any potential disclosure of private, personal, financial, etc. information that may be extracted from the laptop by third parties who end up with the laptop, etc.

Q: Is there a charge to drop things off?
A: There is a $10.00 cash only exact change only for Televisions.

Electronics Recycling Days are held in March and October.

Neighborhood events & news, Oct. 28, 2011

Mason Mill neighbors -

A few short but important news bulletins today -- and a reminder that our fall picnic is on Sunday, 4-7pm. The weather forecast indicates a beautiful, sunny, dry and cool low 60s that afternoon, so if you have not already RSVP'd, please do, so we can purchase the right amount of hamburgers and hot dogs for the grill:

In other news:
  • RECYCLING Tomorrow (Saturday, Oct. 29, 9am-1pm) is the next semi-annual Electronics Recycling Day in Decatur. Take your items to the high school parking lot. More details elsewhere on this MMCA blog.
  • ROAD CLOSINGS Sunday morning is the Atlanta Marathon, and it will cause some street closings in our vicinity, from approximately 8:30am-1 pm. Sections of Briarcliff, Shepherds Lane, and LaVista/Lindbergh will be affected! More details elsewhere on this MMCA blog.
  • CRIME ALERT  Bulletin from Jesse Gould, our Neighborhood Watch chair: Dekalb police are circulating a Community Alert regarding a suspicious vehicle (metallic blue Chrysler PT) possibly connected to an attempted burglary in the area of Clairmont and NDH. There have been burglaries *in* our neighborhood as well, and thefts of copper, so in general keep alert and call 911 if you see any suspicious activity.
  • PET SAFETY Keep your eyes out for large wildlife in WDT Park. A Mason Woods Drive neighbor spotted an 8-point buck in his back yard a few days ago. It's been 2 years since we've seen deer in our park, and last time we did, the coyotes soon followed. If they do find our park again, you might want to keep your pets inside at night. Keep your ears open for their unusual calls and cries. Please email me directly with any coyote sightings/soundings, and I'll pass along an alert.
  • GENERAL MEETING  Our fall General Meeting will be on Sunday, November 13, at Intown Community Church. The business meeting - during which we will discuss all the usual agenda items - will start at 2:30pm. However, at 2:00pm we will be holding a "pre-meeting briefing" on traffic calming, intended for anyone who has *not* already been to one of our traffic calming events (any of last year's general meetings, a traffic committee coffee gathering, or a street-walk). During the business meeting from 2:30-4:30pm, we will be providing an update on the progress of the traffic calming initiative, but we will *not* be starting from the beginning. If you are unfamiliar with the background and the traffic proposal itself, please join us at 2:00pm for a briefing; if you're already familiar with the initiative, please join us at 2:30pm for the latest news and next steps on the project.
  • MMCA DUES If you didn't send in your 2011 dues earlier this year, please support the work of the Association (still the best deal in town, at $10/year) by mailing a check payable to Mason Mill Civic Association to our Treasurer, Pat Brittain (856 Vistavia Circle, 30033).

Thanks to everyone who volunteers to make our neighborhood such a great place to live.

Best wishes,
Patrick Noonan
President, MMCA
1129 Mason Woods Dr.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Neighborhood events & news, Oct. 20, 2011

Mason Mill neighbors -

Although we temporarily overshot autumn and awoke this morning to winter temperatures, we've still got some fine fall weather ahead. We hope to see you at our fall picnic and our general meeting in the coming weeks!

Here are a few event and news items for you:
  • Please mark your calendars for our fall picnic, which will take place next weekend, Sunday, Oct. 30, from 4:00-7:00pm. You should have received a mailbox flyer as a reminder, but you're welcome to RSVP via email to: Please indicate how many will be attending, whether you'll be bringing a main/side/dessert, and whether you can help with setup or cleanup.
  • Our fall General Meeting will be on Sunday, November 13, at Intown Community Church. The business meeting - during which we will discuss all the usual agenda items - will start at 2:30pm. However, at 2:00pm we will be holding a "pre-meeting briefing" on traffic calming, intended for anyone who has *not* already been to one of our traffic calming events (any of last year's general meetings, a traffic committee coffee gathering, or a street-walk). During the business meeting from 2:30-4:30pm, we will be providing an update on the progress of the traffic calming initiative, but we will *not* be starting from the beginning. If you are unfamiliar with the background and the traffic proposal itself, please join us at 2:00pm for a briefing; if you're already familiar with the initiative, please join us at 2:30pm for the latest news and next steps on the project.
  • The Clifton Corridor Transit Initiative will be holding a *final* open house on Oct. 25, 5:30pm at the Emory University Conference Center. For the past few years they have been engaging with the community to develop a preferred proposal for connecting our part of the city with the rest via mass transit. They have concluded that the best chance of doing so would be light rail running along the CSX right of way, linking Lindbergh to Morningside to Sage Hill to CDC/Emory to Emory/Clairmont/VA to North Decatur to Dekalb Med. Center to Avondale. If you're interested in this dialogue, learn more at the meeting:
  • Our friends and neighbors in Victoria Estates are holding a multi-home yard sale this weekend, Saturday Oct. 22, 9am-1pm. All participating neighbors will have a balloon on their mailbox.
  • Yerkes Primate Center is planning an expansion. Jesse Gould was among the neighbors who attended a recent briefing on the project, and he reports: "The new structure is to be located on the west side of the complex, in a little pocket between other buildings. It won't expand the perimeter of the complex. The intended use is transplant research and study of immune system function. The Yerkes director told us they are very concerned about limiting noise and environmental impact, both during and after construction. They will adhere to DeKalb County's rules regarding construction noise. One interesting design feature is that there will be a middle floor level (three levels total but built into a steep hillside) that will be dedicated to mechanical systems. That keeps all pumps, motors, blowers, and compressors within the walls of the building. It also makes servicing equipment easier without going on the roof or entering occupied space." Thanks, Jesse!
  • We are continuing to update our database of the neighborhood, to make it easier for us to communicate with each other. If you haven't already done so, please help us link our email list with actual names and addresses by sending your preferred contact info to
  • If you didn't send in your 2011 dues earlier this year, please support the work of the Association (still the best deal in town, at $10/year) by mailing a check payable to Mason Mill Civic Association to our Treasurer, Pat Brittain (856 Vistavia Circle, 30033).

Thanks to everyone who volunteers to make our neighborhood such a great place to live.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Update to Traffic Calming FAQ-Traffic Accidents

In case you're wondering about traffic accidents on Mason Mill Road, the following data comes from the DeKalb County Police Department's records and represents the number of reported accidents occurring on Mason Mill between Clairmont and Houston Mill Road.

Mason Mill Road Traffic Accident Stats

Year: Total Accidents/ Injury accidents
2005: 7/ 2
2006: 5/ 2
2007: 4/3 (1 pedestrian struck)
2008: 3/1
2009: 5/1
2010: 9/0

Most of the contributing factors to the accidents are:
• following too closely,
• improper turn,
• or other (which could be any other factor, including speed)