Friday, October 28, 2011

Neighborhood events & news, Oct. 28, 2011

Mason Mill neighbors -

A few short but important news bulletins today -- and a reminder that our fall picnic is on Sunday, 4-7pm. The weather forecast indicates a beautiful, sunny, dry and cool low 60s that afternoon, so if you have not already RSVP'd, please do, so we can purchase the right amount of hamburgers and hot dogs for the grill:

In other news:
  • RECYCLING Tomorrow (Saturday, Oct. 29, 9am-1pm) is the next semi-annual Electronics Recycling Day in Decatur. Take your items to the high school parking lot. More details elsewhere on this MMCA blog.
  • ROAD CLOSINGS Sunday morning is the Atlanta Marathon, and it will cause some street closings in our vicinity, from approximately 8:30am-1 pm. Sections of Briarcliff, Shepherds Lane, and LaVista/Lindbergh will be affected! More details elsewhere on this MMCA blog.
  • CRIME ALERT  Bulletin from Jesse Gould, our Neighborhood Watch chair: Dekalb police are circulating a Community Alert regarding a suspicious vehicle (metallic blue Chrysler PT) possibly connected to an attempted burglary in the area of Clairmont and NDH. There have been burglaries *in* our neighborhood as well, and thefts of copper, so in general keep alert and call 911 if you see any suspicious activity.
  • PET SAFETY Keep your eyes out for large wildlife in WDT Park. A Mason Woods Drive neighbor spotted an 8-point buck in his back yard a few days ago. It's been 2 years since we've seen deer in our park, and last time we did, the coyotes soon followed. If they do find our park again, you might want to keep your pets inside at night. Keep your ears open for their unusual calls and cries. Please email me directly with any coyote sightings/soundings, and I'll pass along an alert.
  • GENERAL MEETING  Our fall General Meeting will be on Sunday, November 13, at Intown Community Church. The business meeting - during which we will discuss all the usual agenda items - will start at 2:30pm. However, at 2:00pm we will be holding a "pre-meeting briefing" on traffic calming, intended for anyone who has *not* already been to one of our traffic calming events (any of last year's general meetings, a traffic committee coffee gathering, or a street-walk). During the business meeting from 2:30-4:30pm, we will be providing an update on the progress of the traffic calming initiative, but we will *not* be starting from the beginning. If you are unfamiliar with the background and the traffic proposal itself, please join us at 2:00pm for a briefing; if you're already familiar with the initiative, please join us at 2:30pm for the latest news and next steps on the project.
  • MMCA DUES If you didn't send in your 2011 dues earlier this year, please support the work of the Association (still the best deal in town, at $10/year) by mailing a check payable to Mason Mill Civic Association to our Treasurer, Pat Brittain (856 Vistavia Circle, 30033).

Thanks to everyone who volunteers to make our neighborhood such a great place to live.

Best wishes,
Patrick Noonan
President, MMCA
1129 Mason Woods Dr.

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