Wednesday, January 18, 2012

MMCA News: DHHS, water, dogs, seniors, knights in armor

Mason Mill Neighbors -

I hope you all received last night's email update about progress on traffic calming. You always can link to that message (about the Jan. 24 Dekalb BOC hearing) at our blog:

Here's a roundup of other news and upcoming events:

*** The 4th annual Druid Hills High School Fundraiser Auction is coming up soon. Mason Woods neighbor Lorie Flacker is coordinating publicity, and she reports that donations are still needed (through Monday, Jan. 23). Past donations have included homecooked meals, getaway weekends on the farm or a week at a beach home, tickets for Braves or theater performances, one of a kind items like an autographed baseball, and services like tutoring by a subject expert or tax consultation by an accountant. "If you can't think of a donation, ask your favorite hairdresser, dry cleaner, gym, flower shop, or other business to donate. It's a win-win."  Donations can be dropped off with Lorie at 1002 MWD. The auction itself is Feb. 4 at the Avondale Community Club. Ticket information is available on the web site:  For other questions, please contact Lorie at 404-228-8444 or .

*** Debbie Schneider (from Commissioner Rader's staff and the VE neighborhood) has forwarded some information about a Jan. 25 meeting to discuss a pilot program for creating a Toco Hill shuttle for seniors. Details on our blog:

*** Mason Woods neighbor Matt Hiltman will be appearing on a new reality show on History Channel starting Feb. 12. "Full Metal Jousting" will run on Sunday evenings at 10pm through May. Parents Paul & Dianne do not know whether Matt won the $100,000 prize, "but he did survive the show!" His online bio tells us, "At the age of 24, Matt has amassed over 1,000 jousts as the youngest Head Knight in Medieval Times history, where he has learned his stunt riding skills." Stock up on mead and quail, and tune in to see Matt become a medieval action hero. More info: and

*** MMCA Vice President John Bugge is among the stars of our neighborhood's own new reality show, "Snow Team." Ok, seriously. Several other neighbors have already answered his call to assemble a team of volunteers to be ready to shovel and sand the hilly stretch of Mason Mill Road between Mason Woods Drive and Houston Mill in the event of snow. Getting ahead of the County - who may or may not even arrive - is hoped to prevent the polishing of that hill to shiny black ice, cutting off the entire neighborhood, as has happened in several recent years. If you are interested in being on-call, please email John at:

*** Moving from frozen to liquid: Dekalb County has raised water rates by 11%, starting this month. (The most recent increase was 16%, back in 2008).

*** In a related note (not that outdoor watering is a major concern this time of year): Did you know that we've been back under statewide water restrictions since summer 2010?

*** Neighbors on McConnell remind everyone that leaving your dog's business on someone else's lawn is not only inconsiderate but a violation of County Code (Sec. 5-2c, to be specific: "It shall be the duty of every owner of an animal to immediately remove excrement deposited by the animal on any street or right-of-way. The provisions of this subsection shall not apply to any animal aiding the handicapped (e.g., guide dog) or to an animal used for law enforcement related activities.") Other dog do/don't sections of the Code remind us that our dogs should not be chasing, biting or "vocalizing." Let's leave that to the coyotes, please.

Thanks to all the volunteers and neighbors who help make our neighborhood a wonderful, beautiful, fun and safe place to live.

Patrick Noonan
President, MMCA
mobile: 678-358-5961

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