Greetings, Mason Mill Civic Association neighbors!
The new year is beginning with a lot of activity - please note the various events and dates we've compiled for you amid the announcements below.
In December we held our Fall General Membership Meeting of the Association, at which we discussed plans for creating a Residential Infill Overlay District (RIOD). As I wrote in January, I have invited a diverse group of neighbors to serve as a Working Group to help shape and develop this plan in a way that would suit the needs of our neighborhood. Although we still have a couple of invitations still outstanding, I am happy to tell you that we already have gotten agreement from Len Erickson (Mason Woods), Rhondda May (McConnell), and the dynamic duo of Rafe & Ilze Henderson (McConnell), all of whom will work with our MMCA Vice President Eric Benjamin (Vistavia). Please me sure to thank them all for donating their time and expertise in service of our neighborhood.
This RIOD Working Group is charged with gathering facts and input from the neighborhood, keeping everyone informed about the process, and working with the County officials, including Commissioner Rader. We expect them to present a carefully designed and thoroughly vetted plan for our consideration and vote at a General Meeting during the Spring [date tba - probably April or May]. In addition, they will give us a brief progress update as part of our Winter General Meeting, scheduled for the afternoon of Sunday, Feb. 21.
Remember that Association dues are on a calendar year basis. It's now 2010, which means it's time to send in your dues for the new year. Please support the work of the Association (still the best deal in town, at $10/year) by sending your check, payable to Mason Mill Civic Association, to our Treasurer, Pat Brittain, 856 Vistavia Circle, 30033.
****** Winter General Membership Meeting ******
****** date: Sunday, Feb. 21, 2:00-4:00pm ******
****** location: Intown Community Church, 2059 Lavista Rd., Rm 213 ******
****** SAVE THE DATE ******
****** Spring Picnic ******
****** tentative date: Sunday, April 18 ******
Some additional short reminders, calendar and news items appear below. As always, thanks to all the volunteers who make our Association work possible!
Patrick Noonan
1129 Mason Woods Dr.
MMCA President
mobile phone/text: 678-358-5961
mobile phone/email: [pat208 at me dot com]
Updates by Committee area:
**Traffic & Transit**
As I mentioned in my January email blast, an Emory student was walking through our neighborhood late one night on Dec. 5, and she was hit and killed by a car at the intersection of Houston Mill and Mason Mill. Some neighbors and members of the Emory community have organized an informal discussion meeting for Monday, Feb. 8, 6:30p-8:00p at the 1599 Clifton Road Building (next to the Conference Center). Public parking is available in the deck behind the building. Several senior officials from Emory have indicated they will attend. Agenda items will include pedestrian safety issues and responsibilities for landlords and students who rent properties in the neighborhoods. [For more information, contact: Rebecca Simon, 404-number removed for public blog version ]
In other T&T news, the Clifton Corridor Transit Initiative, a collaboration between the CCTMA and MARTA, is trying to identify opportunities for better transit service and connectivity in western Dekalb County. The next phase of their work - the Alternatives Analysis - includes collecting information from those who would be impacted by the introduction of high-capacity transit connections between Lindbergh Center, Emory University and the City of Decatur. Their study team will be in the Dobbs University Center on the Emory campus on Thurs., Feb. 11, from 11:00a-2:00p, to gather input and opinions from area stakeholders. Public involvement is crucial to the project, and they encourage us all to stop by the DUC to offer your insights and opinions.
[more: ]
**Zoning & Land Use**
See notes above for more information about the development of our RIOD plans. At the February 21 general meeting, we also will update everyone on a few other developments we have been tracking in our general vicinity (along Lavista Road, North Druid Hills, Clairmont).
**Park, Public Space & Environment**
Volunteers still needed for work in Thomson Park! The cool weather months are perfect for our planned projects to remove and control invasive plants, to maintain trails, and to plan some of the erosion control efforts we will be asking the County to help undertake. Please email me if you are interested in doing some weekend work in January & February: [pat208 at me dot com]
**Health & Safety**
Co-Chairs Jesse & Deborah Gould continue to remind us all to report *anything* suspicious to the police (911) and our local Street Captains. The surrounding neighborhoods continue to suffer from burglaries, and in December there was a break-in on Vistavia. You can keep track of all reported crimes in Dekalb County using this online service:
**Social & Special Events**
The Chair of this committee is currently vacant -- it would be great to have someone in place well in advance of the Spring Picnic, at least, and for any other special events that people want to organize. Any volunteers?
The February 2010 newsletter of the Clifton Community Partnership is now available at:
**Executive Committee**
The Executive Committee of the MMCA (we, your elected officers) meet for coffee once per month, every month, to review neighborhood issues and to make plans for the Association. Please let us know what's on your mind, so we can better serve you and all our Mason Mill neighbors!
By the way, our intrepid MMCA Treasurer, Pat Brittain, sends her thanks to everyone who has already taken care of their 2010 dues! As of Jan. 22, this was: [name list removed for public blog version]
Monday, February 22, 2010
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Reminder: meeting on Friday, 2/26, with Comm. Rader at 10 am, 5th floor of Maloof building in downtown Decatur to discuss RIOD and other options.
ReplyDeleteHow do we get stuff on upcoming events?