Friday, January 8, 2010

Several updates & suggestions from the neighborhood

First, Rhondda May has this very important suggestion: that we not make a dangerous congestion any worse.
It might not hurt to post a request that people try NOT to
go out in their cars today unless absolutely necessary.  It would be
terrible if there were a fire or a medical emergency and MMR or HMR or
any of our neighborhood streets were impassable to emergency vehicles.

 Parlee Chambers of MWD reports from 10:00am:
There are about 15-20 cars stuck around our house at the corner of MM and MW. Don't try it anyone! People are walking up to HM for connections or simply walking to work. I have been offering coffee and a restroom.

Brad Lawley reports at 10:05am:
I live at the top of Mason Mill Rd. near McConnell. From McConnell down Mason Mill hill towards Vistavia and Emory U is solid ice. On Mason Mill from McConnell to Clairmont is icy but managable. Clairmont Rd. is in pretty good shape.


1 comment:

  1. How are conditions on Mason Mill this morning (Saturday)?
